Blockchain is the most disruptive technology on the Internet

Uniway Technologies, since 1999, has been a leader in IT solutions from its 1500m² Data Center. It offers real-time systems management and security, standing out in the cloud since 2009 and now focusing on virtualization and business process for a complete digital transformation.
Blockchain is the most disruptive technology on the Internet

Uniway Technologies works in the IT (Information Technologies) market ever since 1999. They do so offering their services from their data processing centers or data centers. In fact, they have a Data Center that covers more than 1,500 square meters where their clients have their most important data hosted.


- Now you went beyond that and you just launched a project the company has been working on for four years and that allows your clients to control their IT systems in real time. What is this service all about?


Our Service is based on four pillars and it is based on the need for companies to controll shuch a disruptive world like the virtualized one. That means, many companies are hiring data centers, but there is no control point that collects information about what they have stored, the price they pay, etc. All of this has been taken into account for creating OneVision, that allows to find out what you have, either phisically or virtually. Then we also cover system managemet, since technicians or managers need to know whether the systems work properly and, in that domain, we have very powerful monitoring. On the other hand we also have a security control, that allows to find out what's happening and finally what we built was business dashboards.


- How do you perceive the so-called digital transformation from your position?


Many people think this process refers to computerization, that is, applying computing methods in a business, but digital transformation means that the company adapts their service offers and products for their clients. Throughout this process we understand that the technology known as blockchain will play an essential role. In fact, blockchain is the most disruptive Internet technology ever.


- In 2009 you decided to switch to the cloud business. What did that decision mean to you?


Uniway has always been ahead of technology changes. Under cost pressure, at first we bought systems for a specific client and it stayed the same, but as cost pressure started growing, cloud technology offered an alternative. The problem was about how the service was provided or delivered, and we began solving all of this in 2009. Uniway's cloud system is very different in regards to the control we return to the client, because data are in Spain and due to the service's flexibility.


- Do you believe Spanish companies are focusing on adopting the cloud technology?


Of course, there's no other way but to adapt because the model is very disruptive. In fact, if performed through good practices, there's no great danger regarding threats, but of course you must necessarily have a full strategy, since there is no absolute securrity, we can only employ the necessary means and practices.


- Is Spain a cutting edge country regarding computerization?


I think the level is good. The Spanish public Administration is highly computerized, probably the best in the world, but that's one thing, another completely different thing is being an advance technology user and exporting it. Exporting data is determining there.


- What are Uniway Technologies future plans?


Our plans include offering advanced IT services in virtualized mode, but above all, get closer to business control, to what is commonly known as business processes. Our main objective is to achieve for clients to have true control over their businesses.
