Uniway take thier chances on e-commerce

Uniway, on its 20th anniversary, is committed to e-commerce and pay-per-use, adapting to growing demand. With SaaS in its offer, it optimizes the delivery and configuration of services, standing out for its innovative approach and projection of new proposals.
Uniway take thier chances on e-commerce

For their 20 anniversary, Uniway takes a step further in taking their chances on innovation and new business models, diving into technology pay-as-you-go model proposals.


It is a very clear approach for a model such as e-commerce by Uniway, increasingly more requested by the market and with quite a noticeable growth in the las year. Just to name an example, Spain was the European country where the online business grew the most and the third in the whole world, with a growth of 68%, according to the data collected by the European Statistical Office or Eurostat in 2020.


Hassan Kalantari

CEO of Uniway

As explained by Hassan Kalantari, CEO of Uniway Technologies, companies can't wait, enterprises have objectives and goals to meet and they need a service with no investment in assets, they want it right there and getting the best price and service. “That is the business model that will work in the future with the new generations. The previous model is out of date. Demand is focusing now on a service that works, with total transparency in terms of fees, with no commitments of permanence, with no investment in assets and everything of course with the maximum guarantees of security and data protection. That's why at Uniway we decided to go for e-commerce through Saas,” he adds.

SaaS in e-commerce format

"Uniway has decided to opt for an e-commerce model very focused on software and Solutions as a Service," explains Chano Rebollo, Sales Manager of the company: “based on first-line products and solutions, what we do is cover it with our own service layers where we put in all of our expertise, with the best management tools and having an ensemble of highly qualified employees.”


Chano Rebollo

Sales Manager at Uniway

As explained by Antonio Izquierdo, Head of Software Engineering at Uniway, more than a simple purchasing system of stock products, our e-commerce takes a step further in process automation and SaaS product deployment. “Thanks to the work of the infrastructure departments at Uniway, we have been able to create an innovating model that allows our clients and partners to substantially reduce delivery times and requested product configuration, improving service satisfaction and quality improvement”.

"This is the business model that will work in the future with the new generations. The previous model is out of date."

For now this new e-commerce model starts with very controlled environments and with which Uniway already has a wide experience in on-premise models, says Antonio Izquierdo Delgado.


As in regards to the proyection of this new model, our planning at Uniway means incorporating four new proposals per quarter. “That is the objective, what we want to do with consolidated proposals is the best quality guarantee for our clients” ends Rebollo.
