Where are We going?

Digital transformation in IT is complex, causing many project failures. Uniway offers full control of systems and assets in multicloud environments. Its SaaS model ensures comprehensive management and continuous support, guaranteeing quality and efficiency, with 24/7 services and quality certifications.
Where are We going?

Digital transformation is the favourite buzz word in the IT industry nowadays, however, not everyone has the same understanding of what it actually means, as the process spans right across the entire business. That’s why a high percentage of all projects fail, as this is not quite understood and most companies think that by splurging money and technology in their systems, they can achieve their digital transformation objectives.


We, as a whole, have to work towards the same goal in order to make digital transformation take place, so everyone can achieve their objectives slightly better than they would on their own.


Let’s first see how MSP in the IT world are today. As its basis we can find a collection of specialised services in each area, which are offered through a skilled company with qualified people and infrastructure, or both, so the client can benefit from a cost reduction and best practices. This seems ok up to here.


However, today the industry has evolved so much in XaaS (Everything as a Service) through the very successful model of cloud computing, that true major providers of Cloud Computing are managing to eclipse the market and furthermore, making all data and processes of the entire business world gravitate under their control. This leaves companies with little capacity for negotiation, since managing huge loads of data and systems is no easy task. In addition, the more platforms are used, the harder it becomes.


If we bear in mind the developments of the last year, when big companies have silenced people and other companies with the conditions of their ever changing policies on the go and with different interpretations according to the needs (and no necessarily related to business questions and responsibilities), the issue gets even more serious.


Multicloud environments are inevitable for most companies, as the giants are taking big chunks of the solutions available today and provide it As A Service, furthermore the Software manufacturers are thrilled with this model (SaaS) as it is beneficial for everyone.

"Cloud computing has become the main altering factor in all aspects. It's made its way into the whole world, against all initial doubts, and it has even taken many corporations by surprise due to these first doubts"

Therefore, we should wonder about the main challenges companies have to face, in addition to trying to take back the control of their systems and data. We could possibly sum up the main ones like this: data and business processes; business continuity and security risks; costs (direct and hidden); and multicloud environment management.


Cloud Computing has been the major disrupting factor in all of this. It has made its way into the whole world against all initial doubts and even caught many corporations by surprise due to these first doubts and now they’re splurging money in buying cloud computing power and paying millions in advance thinking they can make up for it that way. Far from reality.


To begin with, you have to manage this complex environment through efficient tools that adapt from the very beginning, knowing what the challenges are.


This will end up dragging companies to a consumption marathon, year after year, buying more services from big IT companies. All of this will get their organizations stuck, leading to the worst possible result with control, decision making and cost loses.

Building new paths

Uniway, as a long-established managed services provider in the Spanish market, has drawn on its extensive experience and has a solid proposal to launch its reaction to regain control, helping to manage some of the main challenges they face. companies today and in the near future. Uniway has implemented an entire system for this purpose.


We can provide you with complete control of your systems and assets across all major cloud providers and across your organization's multiple contracts, so you at least know what you have, where you have it, and how much it's costing you. Basic, don't you think? It monitors your systems and acts proactively so you are not caught off guard. Your applications can use the application messaging service to maintain tighter control over business processes.


Uniway uses the same technology to automate software deployment in a SaaS model. Today you can purchase SaaS at Uniway on the go in our ecommerce and start enjoying the service in just a few minutes while the system configures everything automatically.


We have a complete cycle from the acquisition of services, instant availability, payments, backup and contingency, single sign on, 24x7 support, life cycle and change management and the list goes on. Everything for a perfect experience.

"At Uniway, we offer a full cycle from service acquisition, instant availability, payments, backup, contingency, single sign on, 24/7 support, life cycle, change management and the list goes on. Everything for a perfect experience."

You might wonder why we have implemented the SaaS model for the most popular applications... Simple, because you can benefit and see the result through ready-to-use dashboards without any implementation project, operational manuals or specialist. We do it all for you. You can stop the service whenever you want and there are no strings attached, as we even return your data in full at no additional cost, something that most companies in the sector do not do. You already know it.


Uniway bases its SaaS service on market leaders with high quality recognition since we want you to enjoy the best in the sector. We are determined to recruit as many partners as we can; However, this is a huge task that we have to build on over the next twelve months and more. Uniway will continue to announce more solutions in areas such as cloud, backup and contingency and security.


All this becomes more relevant if you take into account that we have our own data centers with the highest quality certifications (ISO 27001, ISO 9000 and ENSII, Spanish National Security Scheme required for the provision of services to public administrations) from where We will give you the best service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, NON-STOP.


I would like to finish this text by stating that Uniway has assumed its responsibility by contributing to the advancement of the digital transformation of companies and we feel that we are here with a very strong proposal that will benefit everyone, without a doubt.


This opinion article has been published in the specialized magazine ComputerWorld.
